Witch 1: I bet Macbeth is feeling pretty good right about now. Especially since we were correct about him becoming king.
Macbeth: (Aside) I have successfully made myself king as the witches predicted. But at what cost? I murdered a king and framed two innocent men for the murder.
(Enter lady Macbeth)
Lady Macbeth: Macbeth! We have done it! We made you a king, and we made me a queen. I feel so happy I could cry.
Macbeth: I wish I felt the same.
Lady Macbeth: What do you mean? (she said with anger)
Macbeth: I feel like us killing the king may have consequences, and I feel terrible for framing those poor men.
Lady Macbeth: Now you listen to me and you listen good, I have wanted this ever since I was just a little girl and you are not going to screw this up for us.
(Banquo Knocking on the door)
Lady Macbeth: Don’t be suspicious!
(Enter Banquo)
Macbeth: Ah, Banquo.
Banquo: How does it feel to be a king.
Macbeth: Oh it feels amazing. I feel as if I am walking on air.
Banquo: It’s a shame about the previous king. I’m gonna miss him.
Lady Macbeth: Indeed we will all miss him dearly.
Macbeth: He was a good man and an even greater king. I only wish to be as good of a king as he was.
Banquo: He was a great king. Well, I’ll be going now.
(exit Banquo)
Lady Macbeth: Thank God he left. I thought that you were going to give away our secret the whole time.
Macbeth: I was terrified that I was going to say the wrong thing.
Lady Macbeth: Now all you need to do is keep lying until it feels normal.
Macbeth: I think I can do that. At least for a bit longer.
Lady Macbeth: No! You will do it for the rest of your life!
Macbeth: Ok ok, I’ll do my best. Let’s just go.